Greetings all. It's been quite some time since I posted the sneaky peek of the Goods Shed I've been building for the layout, well, now I've finally got round to posting the full build.
In collating all the pictures from the build, I found I had rather a lot of photos indeed, so I thought I'd take a different approach to this post and present to you a photo essay in the form of the 70+ pictures I took in the progress of the project.
It took in some slightly new techniques and involved the by now, regular repaints to get the desired finish, but was a thoroughly enjoyable project indeed.
I hope the photos tell the story enough for you (if indeed you can make it through to the end.
With many thanks to the amazing Iain C. Robinson for providing me with the initial elevation drawings, which I then butchered to make it match in with my existing buildings. |
Painting dilemma - bare stone or whitewashed? |
Whitewashed was the way forward |
Doors and runners all scratch built from foamex and plasticard |
Roof trusses made from laminated strips of coffee stirrers. A jig was constructed to aid production |
Trusses not proving to be enough, I added extra beams and stretchers |
More detailing - adding upright support colums |
Crane superstructure -again more coffee stirrers |
seems a shame to hide all that woodwork |
But open doorways allow atmospheric shots like this |
More scratch building -crates from plasticard, sacks from DAS... |
individual tiles cut from paper and painstakingly applied |
and here's how I did the ridge tiles |
What's this? An un-weathered wagon? Can't be having that…. |
…and so my first ever attempt at rolling stock weathering... |
Congratulations for making it to the end :)
I hope this was self-explanatory, but any questions - just ask!